Protest against Republican budget proposal
Santa Cruz California National Day of Action Invest in America Day Thursday FEB 24, 2011 rally began at noon at the courthouse on Ocean Avenue in Santa Cruz.
I heard about the rally the day before while listening to KRXA 540 AM
Gene Michalak and Sarah Bessler from (Santa Cruz) were discussing today's scheduled rally in Santa Cruz...
"MoveOn members will gather to thank Representatives Anna Eshoo and Sam Farr for fighting the Republicans' recent proposed budget cuts. The Republicans recently proposed over $100 billion in cuts to the federal budget , which would include cutting $1.2 billion from community health centers, including 895 in California, as well as Head Start for children, and Pell Grants for college students. Participants will share their personal stories about how the proposed Republican budget cuts could affect them."
Curtis Reliford Follow Your Heart Action Network
California is the only oil producing state that does not tax oil revenues; all other oil producing states do, for instance Texas (?!).
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