Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Captive...excerpt

[update 6:08pm P.S.S.]

Last week"Au Revoir Simone - Oh! You Pretty Things" tightened up a blog post but then I took out most of the books I had posted and brought them here. I don't want to come across as too pedantic or making people read what I read or anything like that; and btw I'm not that particularly well read either just a few favorite authors and I do like book covers like "Jean Santeuil" and someday I'll get around to it after I finish "Remembrance." I gave up on checking-out books from the library because I can't seem to return them on time; most of my books are in storage, I went and fished these out the other day. A few people have asked me why I don't "go down the path" and become a literature professor; I won't get into a long explanation just, "nah," but one year for Halloween I was a collegiate volleyball coach. But I could see myself being a tutor of sorts, one-on-one is always best.

Is their a rhyme and reason to all this - yes and probably some more... but I got to go swimming.

P.S. I've been stuck in "The Captive" since that "Wuthering Heights Summer" long ago. Reading group : June Vol. 1, July Vol.2, August...people had been slowly dropping out of our little group, we were down to five;;;; I never saw my favorite professor ever again.... I've hauled Vol. 3 everywhere - it makes a nice Japanese style pillow; I'm going to try and finish it now and see where it finds me...

P.S.S. Oh yeah Proust intended the reader of "A La Recherche," to go back to the very beginning when you were done and read again (!) which is kind of interesting,,, "a cycle"... now i've got to go...

Au Revoir Simone - Oh! You Pretty Things
thanks for the vid Izaguirreg2


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