Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 years ago...

Helpless situation at times…procrastination upon procrastination; seeming lack of success getting anything done; grateful for the time spent with my son (3 punte); just feel ashamed to not put my “spare time” towards better use; I did set-up a new darkroom (3 punta) a couple weeks ago but haven’t used it in 12 days…I will today (1 punta) ; my excuse has been that it’s a bit fidgety i.e. a pain in the ass to get dark; I made three contact sheets, (1 punta) but haven't gotten around to making the individual prints...

Right now, I’m thinking, I’ll print some “nudes" from a few summers ago and of course I will also print some from my shoot with “The Numbers” …

update: (a few hours later) I followed through and used my darkroom;) (1 punta) "The Numbers" domani;)

Temporary link till i print something from this shoot...Eva 2008 Phoenix Hotel San Francisco"

What else…grateful that my freestyle technique is more consistent; going to the pool in the evening is the one thing that keeps me sane…. (1 punta)

deux bieres, s’l vous plait – practicing my French (1 punta)

2 Many DJ's Mix

thanks hopey1986

O~M~G @ 4:20 ok actually @ 4:30;) Detroit Grand Pubahs / New Order The Beach / Sandwiches thanks again hopey1986

While in the dark making prints listening to music and having trouble dodging Eva's ass (kinda ironic but I'm being sincere) it occurred to me that we need a woman as our president...but it would have to be someone real, someone who's not afraid to show some skin (for instance) someone who won't be a sell out...


addendum to my comment above: gender shouldn't be an issue but for arguments sake on my "long list" for President (nobody is perfect i just read her Wiki) I would vote for Sen. Maria Cantwell D - Washington for "drilling" BP and Transocean...

All reasonable claims...remember the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill last year???"


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