Wednesday, March 14, 2012


[11:49 PM final edit] [update *10:43AM bottom;) **10:49]

Tonight she comes - The Cars

I was going to post this song on Jan. 19th but decided it might be too much, perhaps overkill (?) BTW I'm not referring to the title - wait,,,am I the only one with a dirty mind? ;) It's the rest of the lyrics... It's kind of like that thing where a racy song back in the day (1950's) seems so innocent or innocuous now...

I wrote some stuff in my notebook earlier...I think I'm going to lay in bed and continue where I left off. It includes my observations of a Streak-backed Oriole, I'm not that great at drawing, I think thats what I saw, I was surprised I thought they only resided in the South (?) I'm definitely not a bird expert, just a wanna be, an enthusiast; perhaps spring is coming early, "2012" polar axis shift,,,interstellar gravity waves, who knows????

Streak-backed Oriole

I'm kinda liking doing that (writing in my notebook) even if it's for five minutes... I had kinda gotten away from doing that...goodnight

/// ///

* 10:43AM

212 by Azealia Banks (Official Video)

Azealia Banks - 212 Lyrics
Damn!!! thanks lMakeLyrics

Sublime - Paddle Out
[...then,,,Rapunzel, I climb through your window...]

** 10:49AM "tonight she comes" sometimes you would appear...


juliahronn (2 weeks ago)

i thouht this song was more.. innocent That Mickey mouse sweater was missleading.

christinahoops (2 months ago)

@2011tellyaddict Women are becoming more sexually empowered. I'd say this is 10 times better everything currently on the radio. This is more raw. I like it.

chachacrunch (15 hours ago)

n n n n n n

enitsuj93 (1 day ago)

What you gon do when I eat a pear?

Akumigami (1 day ago)

I only really get the general jist of her words but I still find myself wiggling to it and putting it on repeat anyway. xD

MightBeQuiteInsane (1 day ago)

kill to see this live.

xLadyGrinningSoulx (1 day ago)

holy shit this bitch is gooooooood

begbie497 (1 day ago)

Outstanding :)

shannonhealy864 (1 day ago)

lethal tune!:)

Jordan4601 (1 day ago)

@MaynardRachel lol



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