I've been working on a blog post for two days, "The Sirius Connection" Death is a Star
Max Ernst (French, born Germany, 1891–1976)
The Fireside Angel, 1937
Oil on canvas; 44 7/8 x 57 1/2 in. (114 x 146 cm)
Private collection
© 2004 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris
Max Ernst’s Fire Side Angel
Vital-Ferox - Slerotika
thanks again Artek777
Of course Sirius is a star in the sky, the dog star I believe, and because I was writing about a serious subject and it does refer to some mystical things but you'll have to wait for the entire post.
Right now I'm kind of breaking the "4th wall" just for a bit and thats an important analogy because the essential crux of "The Sirius Connection" is about addressing issues head on as they arise so that they don't linger and accumulate into resentments. I think that's one of the underlying causes that end relationships. I'm no expert but I think that's also been an issue of mine in the past. I've been kind of shy and lost out on a lot of things and I've also been in situations where I haven't spoken up or asserted myself. Nothing is ever perfect believe me I know and I count my blessings but from here on out I want to give "life" a fighting chance.
I'll admit that its kind of been scary but I'm amazed that I'm now suddenly, not shy anymore; when it counts that is, because I think I'm still naturally whom I've always been; "the child is the father of the man." I had thought I made a mistake about a month ago but then I realized that I still had one door open, and it didn't give me very much assurance, your own mind can play tricks on you and make you second guess everything. I came to the realization that it was grounded in love so I doubled down; I think I've quadrupled down by now!? Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person in the world who would take this crazy path - I think so. I'm not being arrogant, the reality is that this has forced me to break past my own barriers and there is only one me! Someday, that cup of coffee - that will be the best one ever...
[OMFG its 4am, speaking of which, the coffee later this morning is going to hit the spot - for sure - I'm smiling and shaking my head...]
And even though I'm occasionally a little high energy with the thoughts, I've realized that my subconscious is helping me out, by having me write and think about something really hard...I normally just post and worry about it later and that is fine too. But right now its telling me to put that something (communication) into practice. If you can understand the crazy way I think about things, just take that as a sign and put it in you back pocket for a bit, mull it over, please.
This is the last sentence of the last paragraph "The Sirius Connection" post:
...I wrote all this because its the only thing i've got right now (I do love it) and in my weird time travel dreams (I watch a lot of movies), I would never want to be in a situation where, song follows...
Pet Shop Boys - I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore
The post in it's entirety is not ready yet (and thats a perfect theme or analogy) I'm too tired, it will probably take me the weekend, when ever its ready, that will be the perfect time to read it - its SERIOUS but also fun of course.
On my most recent post there were some songs out of order and I also left one out.
The first song was suppose to be Pet Shop Boys - Closer to Heaven (Slow version) the operative word is s-l-o-w. Closer to Heaven is a beautiful analogy and sentiment that I really feel, I don't want to take away from that.
But right now my body, heart and soul are connected to a physical brain and its telling me to go s-l-o-w-l-y...
Its a riddle and a mystery I can only think about it for a moment, like I mentioned, in that song, it sometimes makes me sad but it's also a reminder to appreciate everything more, all the small stuff matters. But I accept it too, that some day this and all other things will be no more. Then we'll be truly free (no more tears or anxieties, just love) and if,,,,we still choose each other... what ever that would be like; it will all be faster then the speed of light. Molasses analogies will just be sweet thoughts in the poem of eternity:)
The Clash - Death is a Star
thanks for the vid Alexm799
And I was gripped by that deadly phantom
I followed him through hard jungles
As he stalked through the back lots
Strangling through the night shades
The thief of life
Moved onwards and outwards to love
In a one stop only motel
A storm bangs on the cheapest room
The phantom slips in to spill blood
Even on the sweetest honeymoon
The killer of love
Caught the last late Niagara bus
By chance or escaping from misery
Bu suddeness or in answer to pain
Smoking in the dark cinema
You could see the bad go down again
And the clouds are high in Spanish mountains
And a Ford roars through the night full of rain.
The killer's blood flows
But he loads his gun again
Make a grown man cry like a girl
To see the guns dying at sunset
In vain lovers claimed
But they never had met.
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