Weekend Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend
The landlocked "Cowboy" needs rescuing, look at its sad eyes. You might live to be a dive boat yet again. ,,,,,,Claustrophobic in a wet suit, with tangled regulators, I just make sure I'm breathing as I roll backwards. Always backwards I should use that to its advantage, at least you see the sky.
[something I just saw it made me go wow and do a "reflective" sigh, with a contained smile, sit back, stare and daydream a little...it means a lot it's all I've got.]
This is an in-between "discussion" post...
A discussion i'd rather have... ;)
Rolling Stones - Between The Sheets
thanks negativeEclipse this is now one of my favorite youtube video montages
soupedguit369 (4 months ago)
Hey- this song is actually called "Live With Me" for any real fans would know..........
Why this song? I would only fuck-with-you because I love you;)
Pet Shop Boys - Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend - Alternative
This song for dramatic affect.
Pet Shop Boys - Some Speculation
pictures @ 00:19 military, then sitting rocks on beach;)
Monacomaverick (1 year ago)
What a song..Wayyyy ahead of it's time, like always:D
Album: Alternative Song: Speculation "futures, P/E Ratio (Price-Earnings Ratio)
Not that I would invest in the stock market (been there done that), I would rather invest "in myself" kind of thing...
"The P/E ratio (or "P/E") is the most common and widely used of valuation metrics. Virtually every financial website displays it and it is commonly used as a jumping off point for valuation discussions."
"Discussions" again "killing a dead horse" related to "The Sirius Connection" i.e. communication and other stuff; I would rather kill a horse then kill... I know you know what I mean - right? ;)
Because I wouldn't want to be a,,,,song follows:
Rolling Stones Soul Survivor Original
thanks for the video starfuckstar
+ a weekend getaway
+ a quiet place to work (alternative, going to office for me), maybe we could always, still (limited) but not only:( be doing, "blogs," it gives me ideas;) /// I assume a lot, a kid can dream:)
+ a "get away" wired till 3am get stuff done (sometimes) "crash pad"
+ a seaside rendezvous oo la la
+ think of the wardrobe excuses: hats, scarves, horizontal stripes, bandanas...
+ night bags
+ marinas are everywhere
+ sea breeze good for your skin
+ navy seaman (roll playing;) recreating)...pirate, poseidon, kraken tentacles, mermaid, stowaway
+ an excuse for blue denim bell bottoms Navy dungarees, in case you fall over helps you float
+ swabbing decks (exercise)
+ interior design - ropes knots and stuff - design juxtapositions;)
+ seafaring antique jewelry, totems, talismans 7-seas worth
+ entertaining
+ a bohemian rhapsody "anyway the wind blows" don't even know how to sail.
+ nice tan
+ nautical tattoos,
+ "Tattoo, tattoo
lights out in five minutes." Precisely at 10:00 p.m., lights go out. Navy Boot Camp tradition.
+ "Tattoo" Hervé Villechaize Fantasy Island Da Plane! Da Plane! Related to next post;)
The actual aircraft used in the series was a Grumman Widgeon seaplane,[7] US registry N4453. It was manufactured in France
+ cool stories, telling cool stories
+ recreating Jaws getting drunk scene
+ appreciation of flat(s) land more;)
- closet space (usually) limited
- sea sickness (not really issue in harbor)
- missing land (already covered)
- slight arrogance snootiness towards purely land lovers, the uninitiated
- Developing a propensity to drinking too much rum
- swearing
- slight sun burn
this music video (also) leads into the next post...
Weekend - Original French Trailer (Jean-Luc Godard, 1967)
Week End (1967) is a black comedy film written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard
indianrunner70 (3 weeks ago)
The drumming is great, almost hypnothic..
PatricioAndaur (2 months ago)
@fernwood March 3rd in NYC again
My favorite Godard film I think is Alphaville, you know takes place in a futuristic metropolis, modernist glass and concrete buildings, set far in the future on another planet...
//// //// //// //// //// ///
Some stuff I came across:
"Watch a film ,,,,,,,,,,"
"a film that been a source of
inspiration ,,,,,,,,"
"serious and comedic juxtaposing,,,"
"J. says, “I don’t think I have ever laughed
so much in my life. It had a profound effect on my life as it was really the final
decision for me to move and live in England.”
+ marinas are everywhere for exploring, jumping off point, for the fun of it...
Just one approach of many...of course.
"Still, cruising sailors are an inventive, hardy lot and I suspect you will not be denied the wonderful experience of visiting London solely because there are some puzzles to solve."
"London prohibits liveaboards except for short durations (<6 months) for foreign boats, only."
"I initially wrote this for those few folks who want to stay the winter in London, but I keep getting asked about visiting during the in-season months for shorter periods."
/// /// /// ///
Don't get overwhelmed by all the details, just above;)
Maybe it's me feeling self-conscious but I actually don't feel overwhelmed (it just flows), because it's still only one-day-at-a-time, wow thats so easy... And also getting rid of that guilt complex has been liberating. Because sometimes I think it's also that I'm shy because I think something like this is "overkill," my over-active imagination (right) but actually I've never thought stuff out so much before; it actually makes me more focused, knowing what you want to do and why... I'm inspired which makes it more inspiring. I suppose it's all a matter of "just doing" but that seems like even more fun and again nothing to get overwhelmed by because it's just a day-at-a-time, easy :)
I don't want to swim the English Channel but I do want to swim in the ocean (more) - I've swum at the Dolphin club and South End rowing club,,,SF Aquatic Center, in the harbor below Ghirardelli >>>>> swimming, boats, traveling, peace and quiet >>>>> :)
BTW I love LAND too of course...
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