Tuesday, March 6, 2012

S.E.A.L.s LAND Starter Kit Act 4 Scene 1

Ship Mast [furls down / working sail]

[11:00PM I'll probably have to update this fucker I wanted to post tonight, I'm falling asleep...]
[8:00 AM I woke up shaking my head, I had a dream I was on Expedia trying to find a hotel for my persnickety friend's mom and a group of people, I had actually procrastinated first thinking we could stay anywhere but they all wanted this one hotel (i swear i dreamt this)]
[Even I have to say my blog posts are curiouser and curiouser it's like I have to outdo my self "I'm the Toughest" Peter Tosh]
[8:17AM Peter Tosh lyrics (i'm listening) just thematic groove I wish i had his vibe kind of thing...] ["Jimmythecrackers" youtuber I crack up:) ]
[8:35 "Here Comes the Sun" all good... Have you ever thought about how your birthday is actually about the year that past? This morning is my first... The coffee is so good right now]

Synopsis: [I actually thought of one, can't write here]

Pre-Production Location Budget Notes

Scouting Budget: PDF Attach.

To: Director/Exec. Producer

CC: Location Scout, production designer, line producer, property master, DP

RE: Pitch, Outline, Synopsis, Treatment, Step Notes / for review second re-write

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SEA AIR LAND RENT (working title)

Act 3 Scene 9

* dialogue sample needs re-write working on "treatment" pitch

present day, warm & sunny cool breeze sea lion barking in the distance, seagull's attracted to the vegetables being roasted on a small portable hibachi type grill

"We've got to be in X by June 1st, thats only two months from now..."

"Let's book the flight out of Dallas"

[ Turns head quickly towards him w/ a quizzical smile ]

"Why don't we leave 3 weeks early"

"What?" [About to say something, stops in mid-thought]

"we have time, we're going to ship everything in advance anyway..."

[he ducks inside the cabin, next to the nautical charts he pulls out a "AAA North America Road Atlas" ;)]

Pages looked at: Down the coast to Hwy 10, Prescott Arizona then up to Grand Junction - Taos - Santa Fe - Albuquerque - Las Cruces - San Antonio - Dallas ]

"Maybe we can find that X - I have a friend... we can just ship it ahead...it's hard to find that sort of stuff over there..."

Land Of The Loops - Starter Kit
thanks for the video iiHateSouljaBoy


ACT 4 Scenes 7-10 Pending pre-production green light / script re-writes

Weekend scenes (Brittany) close-up interior and garden scenes replicating flat Marais

Proposed budget allocation: €39,580 - €94,000 attic renovations

Pre-production scouting: Dates T.B.D.

Notes: Property Manager / script supervisor

1. A quick random search but I believe G.B. took some of these photos along this coastline. Need to double check with DP and scout manager. 2nd crew.

2. Inform line producer for 2nd crew logistics - budget analysis

caravans in the sun

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Notes: Attn. prop master, DP , line supervisor, logistics


Large attic to convert: CHATEAUNEUF-DU-FAOU Brittany







Nice property in Normandy, 60 mi from Paris

[breaking the forth wall "renovations" get it;) not far from Strawberry fields rrr around here you can pay the same. DUKWIM]

*** *** ***


Paris Montparnasse - Rennes - Montparnasse Paris

More pre-production scouting script re-write


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Long weekend "Plot Thickens" thatched roof fire scene, pending final script re-writes

Notes: Executive producer, director

1. Local municipalities prohibit destruction of existing residence but we can build and do pyrotechnics bringing crew from Antwerp is expensive but less then CG affects...



French Kiss FM

2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick

Barry Lyndon - Movie trailer from Kubrick`s Film

He lived by his quote, “If it can be written or thought, it can be filmed.”

Europe 1

An English family in Marrakech

Peter tosh - Bush Doctor, in holland

[P.S. I'd like to live in Paris and some other places, I just happened to come across these different fixer-upper opportunities they looked intriguing, worth a thought, could be fixed-up sold later etc. etc.]



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